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Advising Clients on Health Care Policy and Innovation 

Dr. Robert Holman leverages his over 40 years in medicine, research, teaching, and EMS medical direction to assist clients in re-envisioning the delivery of health care for organizations and their patients. 


​Disparities in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest


Recent research shows that Black and Hispanic patients suffering out-of-hospital cardiac arrest are less likely to receive early bystander CPR, regardless of the location of their arrest. Whether this disparity is due to lack of awareness or training, equipment availability, and/or implicit bias matters not: we in EMS know that we must improve our care through systemic change. In this webinar, you’ll hear from visionary EMS leaders in Pittsburgh and Washington, D.C. who have examined their data, identified successful interventions, and made impressive strides in improving these harrowing statistics. You can and should do the same for your community.

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